English edition of the book "Houdingsweerstand-Therapie Bugnet".

Authors:    W. van Gunsteren, O. de Richemont, L. van Wermeskerken.
Translation:  D. en H. Zwilling-Petzynowska, R. Dutry van Haeften

Issued in 2004 by Eburon Academic Publishers in Delft, 
ISBN 90 5166 918 6



Origin and Development of Muscle Training with Postural Resistance.

Part One:

General Principles
Principal Features and Analytic table of the muscles in functional groups.
Analysis of an Exercise
Directives for Treatment 

A. General Exercises for the Pelvic Girdle and the Trunk
B. Treatment of Lordosis and Kyphosis
C. Treatment of Scoliosis and Scoliotic Deviations
D. Treatment of the Shoulder Girdle.
E. Treatment of Knee and Foot.
F. Treatment of Tight Muscles.

Part Two: Exercises for Patients with Paresis and Paralysis.

G. Treatment of Paresis in the Trunk. Lordosis and Kyphosis.
H. Treatment of Paresis in the Trunk. Scoliosis.
I.   Treatment of Paresis in the Shoulder Girdle and the Arms.
J.  Treatment of Paresis in the Pelvic Girdle and the Legs.
K. Treatment of Tight or Hypertonic Muscles for Patients with Paresis.

Aids for Mechanical Fixation.


Table of Contents.